The Life After Work / zone is a home where you can find out about all things retirement. It’s about people, places, experiences, finance, and love. It’s about fascinating stories, engaging activities, and personal challenges. It’s a resource that will help you understand, prepare for, and enjoy a meaningful and rewarding retirement.
Everyone is welcome. Everyone wins.
This publication is for and about you. If you’re retired, read on. If you’re planning to retire someday, this is perfect for you. If you want ideas, facts, opinions, and stories about retirement, you’ve come to the right place. Even if you just want to watch, we encourage you to join the L.A.W. zone.
Retirement is Security, Happiness, and Health: “SHH”
- Security is knowing you’re emotionally and financially prepared
- Happiness is belonging to a community of people just like you
- Health is your ticket to a long and rewarding retirement
Our goal is to provide information, examples, and advice that will help people of all ages to be safe, happy, and healthy in retirement. Planning can start in your 20’s or your 90’s. Age is just a number! No matter where you are in life, this publication will help you make it just a little bit better.
Join us! Subscribe so you won’t miss anything. Comment on the articles you like so we know which ones interest you the most. Ask questions, and share your comments.
When you’re an active member of the Life After Work / zone, everyone wins.
Write for us — share your wisdom, challenges, stories, and humor
Would you like to be a contributing writer? Click on the link below and learn how to get started writing for Life After Work.
Join us if you’d like to share, mentor, and learn. If you’re selling products and services, you should find a different publication.
Let’s have some fun! Which type are you?
50,000,000 people in the US are retired. 10,000 more retire every day. Every single one of us has a different story. What’s yours?
“I plan to retire rich”
“I hate my job”
“I won’t retire in elegance like some of my friends.”
“I’m retiring early, financially independent at age 30”
“I’ll work till I drop”
“I got sick and had to quit”
“My company laid me off and I can’t get another job”
“My mom is ill, and I had to retire to care for her”
“I have no idea what I’d do if I were to retire”
“As soon as I hit 62 I’m out of here”
“We have no money but we’ll make it work somehow”
Topics for articles — tell us what you like
This publication is for you. Tell us what you care about in the comments below and we’ll work on them. If a topic interests you it will certainly be of interest to others.
- Social Security and Medicare
- When to retire
- What to do in retirement
- Financial insights and planning
- Travel
- Healthcare
- How to give back
- Retirement demographics
- What is everybody else doing
- How much do other people live on
- Sex in retirement
- Where should you retire
- Investments in retirement
- Loneliness
- Making money during retirement
- Retiree profiles and personal stories
- Sickness
- End of life planning