Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash
Here you’ll find recent retirement news you may have missed. No snake oil sales, no miracle cures or conspiracies, only honest unfiltered news from around the globe, curated by the editor, Brian Feutz.
Social Security trust fund may be depleted sooner than expected
The Social Security trust fund most Americans rely on for their retirement will run out of money in 12 years, one year sooner than expected, according to an annual government report. Your benefits could drop by 20% or more. When? Find more details here:
Social Security funding is a hot potato but there are plans in discussion that can turn it around. Success will require swift and coordinated action from Congress and the White House.
Forbes Best Places to Retire in the US: Listing median home prices and pros/cons of 25 top retirement destinations.

Booming stock market means record retirement savings: The soaring stock market in the second quarter helped skyrocket Americans’ retirement savings to new highs.
Retire in Costa Rica: Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about retiring in the stunningly beautiful country of Costa Rica.
If you don’t like Costa Rica, there are 9 more extraordinary places that rank in the Top-10 Countries for Living an Amazing Low-Cost Retirement Life. Hint: The US is not one of them.
Be safe! Masks do work! Especially for those of us over age 50. Unequivocal evidence from a massive randomized study. “This is arguably the most important single piece of epidemiological research of the entire pandemic.”
6 Types of Retirees – Which are you? Adventurer, Spectator, Retreater, or another?
Pandemic retirees coping with problems: Some who retired early in the pandemic may not have made the right decision. Here’s how to cope with it if you’re one of them.

Brian’s Spotlight

My First Month of Retirement – Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be retired? Of course you have! That’s why you’re here. Read about what my first month was like. Will yours be the same? Better?
Top Resource: Investor.Gov – you can look up your investment advisor’s background, registration status, and all kinds of details about their history.
GiveWell is an organization that carefully vets other charities to scientifically determine the most efficient and effective use of your hard-earned donations.
My Unconventional Retirement Plan: A different approach from a retired psychotherapist.
Estate Planning Basics: A quick overview of estate planning and what steps you need to take.
Shifting Gears; 50 Baby Boomers Share Their Meaningful Journeys in Retirement: The author, Richard Hauduck is a popular guest writer in “The ZONE.”
Total Money Makeover: Amazon’s #1 Best Seller in Retirement: Dave Ramsey’s plan for financial fitness.
Retirement Podcasts
The Retirement Answer Man: Not your typical retirement show. It is about making the most of your life today and in retirement.
Helpful Resources
Retirement Calculator Free resource to see when you’ll be ready.
Social Security Administration
Medicare Staring at age 65
Obamacare (Affordable Care Act)
GiveWell An organization that meticulously evaluates the most effective charities.
AARP Retiree resources
ASEC American Savings Education Council, a public/private org educating the public on financial security.
US SEC (Investor.Gov) Security & Exchange Commission