What Retirement is Truly Like: My First Month

Retirement, I’ve discovered, comes in varying shades of euphoria.

How to Extend Your Life by Decades, Centuries, or an Eternity

Never before in human history have we encountered the very real possibility of immortality and its consequences.

Why We Decided to Move Overseas

An overseas retirement is a difficult decision, but when you look closely, the benefits can be overwhelming.

How to Calculate Your Retirement Readiness Score to See if You’re on Track

Are you on track for your retirement? Find out by calculating your Retirement Readiness score.

Countdown to Retirement: Crossing the Finish Line!

I finally crossed the finish line into retirement! And along the way I discovered the elusive secret to happiness.

How Retirement Can Throw You Curveballs

Be prepared: Retirement reality will probably be different from what you expect...

Countdown to Retirement: 65 Days to Go!

Follow along as I document the transition from a life of work to one of ... what? Leisure?

The Financial Industry from the Point-of-View of a Retired Professional

An inside story that exposes the raw truth that can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars...

Countdown to Retirement: 90 Days to Go!

Giving notice is a point of no return. It's a wild ride when you do. And I just did!

How to Become an International House Sitter and Live in Exotic Lands for Free

Does "free lodging" fit your international travel budget? If you love pets, here's an amazing travel hack.