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The Top-10 Countries for Living an Amazing Low-Cost Retirement Life

Whether retiring or working remotely, you can save an amazing amount of money by living in one of these Top-10…

Three Simple New Year’s Resolutions for an Outstanding Retirement (and Life)

It's an oddball ritual but we humans do it each year. This year, try three easy ones that you'll keep...

Working After “Working”

Working in retirement sounds like a contradiction. It's not. Here are some reasons why people do - in their own…

The Funniest Retirement Memes in the Galaxy

Retirement is serious business. But right now it's time for a meme break. Enjoy!

Perfect Timing? No Regrets!

Friday the 13th, end of a 30-year teaching career. I was going to miss everyone. Would I regret retiring?

Volunteering in Retirement

Ok, now that you are retired, what are you going to do all day? Why not consider volunteering?

Three Weeks to Retirement! A Personal Profile of Greg S.

He sat hunched on the colorless bedspread in a nondescript hotel room in a city that felt like...

The Extreme Early Retirement Movement — Is the Gain Worth the Pain?

Other people retire early. What’s so special about them?

Seriously, How Much Do You Need to Retire?

Everyone wants to know: “How much money do I need to retire?” It’s not hard to figure out...