Remember, the more you laugh, the longer you live.
Retirement is a mysterious place people go to when they get old. It’s a serious place, with finance and healthcare woes, aching muscles and creaking bones. Those of us who are retired spend far too much time dwelling on the worries of our lives and not enough time laughing and enjoying what life has to offer.
Those of you who are not yet retired are quaking with fear of the mystery of life after work. Will I have enough money? Will I have enough to do? Where did I leave my keys?
So, take a break from your backaches, doctor visits, irrational fears, and pointless chores. Close your wallet and open your mind. These jokes are absolutely free, uninhibited (a few may be slightly inappropriate).
Aaaaand, here it is: A carefully curated collection of side-splitting comics guaranteed to brighten your day and relieve your stress. Enjoy!

Got enough savings set aside yet?

Bringing sexy back:

Retirement is a wonderland:

Retirees are animal lovers. And clever:

Remember the 70s? If you do you should be retired:

They say exercise keeps you young:

Old age brings a whole new meaning to “till death do us part:”

Waterfront property is a good investment they say:

Don’t want to go to work? Try retirement, 50 million people can’t be wrong:

The best work/life balance I’ve ever heard of:

I hope you’re having pun!

Retirement means you never have to purge:

Here’s a tip if you need a little alone time:

Retirement is like an old car that’s too expensive to fix:

Well, then why the heck are you still working?

Disgruntled worker, recently retired:

Hilbilly RV — no money, no skills, and no common sense:

What’s this YouTube thing and where can I get MyTube?

Wine is a plan. Sure it is. Trust me:

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!
Here’s last year’s collection: