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5 Slick Habits to Sharpen Your Mind Like a Razor

Forgot your age? Lost your glasses? A few simple habits will fix you right up. Maybe a nap?

90 Days Retired: Here’s Exactly What It’s Like

I think I’m doing it wrong, it feels like I’m getting younger.

How Does Home Equity Fit into Your Retirement Plan?

Regardless of how much home equity you have, you can't eat it! But there are a few ways it can…

The World’s Funniest Retirement Memes-Guaranteed or Your Money Back

Take a break from reality and dig into some hilarious retirement memes. You have nothing to lose but time.

Giving Back in Retirement—the Path that Leads to the Greatest Good

Saving lives is profoundly rewarding, and the effective altruism movement makes it easy to know the most efficient way to…

What Retirement is Truly Like: My First Month

Retirement, I’ve discovered, comes in varying shades of euphoria.

Countdown to Retirement: Crossing the Finish Line!

I finally crossed the finish line into retirement! And along the way I discovered the elusive secret to happiness.

Countdown to Retirement: 65 Days to Go!

Follow along as I document the transition from a life of work to one of ... what? Leisure?

Countdown to Retirement: 90 Days to Go!

Giving notice is a point of no return. It's a wild ride when you do. And I just did!

“Practicing Retirement” — A Crazy Yet Brilliant Idea

You succeed at retirement the same way you succeed at everything else: You practice! It's easy and fun.